Graphs, stats and charts

Best U.S. information site

ncov2019 country and state/province stats

comparing countries

Total deaths per country

info. on each US State

projections for US

Worldometer summaries and graphs

Checking the curve of each country

Trending by state

South Dakota info.

US Maps

CDC US national map

US map by county

Risk Level map by county

NPR US map and graphs

USA Facts map of states and counties.  Links to every state health deapartment.

Reuters US map

Facebook US symptoms reporting map


World Maps

Google world and US virus maps

John Hopkins world map and statistics

Financial Times graphs by country

Guardian maps and graphs


General information, updates



United Nations

Guardian latest news

South Dakota official site, and graphed updates

Washington state official site and graphed updates by county

Rapid City, SD dashboard

Federal pandemic oversight committee

Coronavirus; a book for children

refutation links for "Plandemic" documentary

Is the CDC information accurate?

health care workers who died from Covid 19

School closings in US from Covid-19


Health Advice

living wills, advance directives

Shopping safety advice

Visual explanation of how masks work

how to sterilize masks!

Masks help! and cut risk by 65%

Countries that require masks do better

how to disinfect

How churches can prepare to re-open

Miss Manner's guide to Contagious Etiquette 

Contagian Fixes

Study suggests 3 times as much testing needed in US

we still aren't testing enough (May 7)

CDC Guidance for re-opening the economy

Shutdown prevented millions of virus infections

Dexamthasone is useful for lowering mortality of patients

Vitamin D appears to be useful

Lessons learned

South Korea explains how to do it

Faster, deeper intervention works for the economy

a way to recycle masks 

another way to recycle masks

hydroxichloroquine appears not to work for Covid-19

listen to real experts, not talking heads

ventilators might not be a good treatment

Victim statistics may be low

A quick response at the BEGINNING of an outbreak is extremely necessary

Are the models working?

What are the long-term effects of Covid-19?

Covid Tracking Project assessment

What the US did wrong

Where did Covid-19 come from?

Covid 19 can wreck your heart

Federal Plans in place we could have used

2002 Strategic National Stockpile

2005 HHS pandemic flu plan

2006 federal pandemic plan

2010 report on lessons learned from H1N1 epidemic

2016 White House playbook for pandemic or in PDF

2017 White House exercise to practice for a pandemic

2017 US military plan for coronavirus

2018 National Biodefense Strategy

2019 "Crimson Contagion" practice

2019 National Health Security Strategy

1/29/20 memo warning of pandemic dangers



1918 Influenza archive

Deadwood notice, November 21, 1918

An overview of Covid-19

How the virus was first encountered in the US

timeline of US actions regarding covid-19

Vox reviews the history of US reaction to covid-19



last update 10/27/20